

Looking for a crisp drink to make this weekend? Look no further!

The Americano was first served in 1860s at Gaspere Campari's bar in Milan. The original name was Milano-Torino from the origins of the two primary ingredients. It was later renamed because of its popularity among American tourists.


• 30ml sweet Vermouth

• 30ml Bitter Aperitif

• 100ml Three Cents Two Cents Plain

How to:

Add the Bitter Aperitif and Sweet Vermouth over cubed ice in a chilled glass and carefully top up with Two Cents Plain. Garnish with a freshly cut orange slice.


• 30ml sweet Vermouth

• 30ml Bitter Aperitif

• 100ml Three Cents Two Cents Plain

How to:

Add the Bitter Aperitif and Sweet Vermouth over cubed ice in a chilled glass and carefully top up with Two Cents Plain. Garnish with a freshly cut orange slice.