Empirical tasting at Pharmarium
Early april we arranged a Empirical tasting togethter with their ambassador Floriane Loup at the amazing bar Pharmarium. All the bartenders who joined got a great presentation and tasting of Empirical's products and later at night Pharmarium had a special drink menu with Empirical cocktails. Really pleasant day to say the least!
Thank you to all of you who came by, Floriane for the show and Garbriel and his team at Pharmarium for hosting us. We had a blast!

Ayuuk Margarita

• 40 ml Empirical Spirits Ayuuk
• 20 ml Merlet Trois Citrus
• 20 ml fresh lime juice
How to:
Fill a shaker with the ingredients. Add ice and give it a hard shake. Strain into salt mix rimmed rocks glass.
• 40 ml Empirical Spirits Ayuuk
• 20 ml Merlet Trois Citrus
• 20 ml fresh lime juice
How to:
Fill a shaker with the ingredients. Add ice and give it a hard shake. Strain into salt mix rimmed rocks glass.